Browsing by Author Darunee Jumpathong

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Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
9/4/2024The Effects of Geographic Inquiry Process in the Topic of Environment in the Community on Learning Achievement of Grade 3 Students at Wat Paphaeng Municipal School, Chiang Mai ProvincePATTHANON YANU; พัฒฐานนท์ ยะนุ; Darunee Jumpathong; ดรุณี จำปาทอง; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Darunee Jumpathong; ดรุณี จำปาทอง; [email protected]; [email protected]
14/1/2025The Effects of Geographic Inquiry Process in the Topic of the Impacts of Global Geographical Changes on Critical Thinking Ability of Grade 12 Students at Datdaruni School, Chachoengsao ProvinceCHIRASAK KHOTCHASI; จิระศักดิ์ คชสีห์; Darunee Jumpathong; ดรุณี จำปาทอง; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Darunee Jumpathong; ดรุณี จำปาทอง; [email protected]; [email protected]
14/1/2025The Effects of Group Investigation Instruction in the Topic of Building Peaceful Society on Problem Solving Thinking Ability of Grade 9 Students, Kasetsart University Laboratory School, Kamphaeng Saen Campus, Educational Research and Development CenterNAWIYA PEUNGKATSOONTORN; นวิยา พึ่งเกศสุนทร; Darunee Jumpathong; ดรุณี จำปาทอง; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Darunee Jumpathong; ดรุณี จำปาทอง; [email protected]; [email protected]
14/1/2025The Effects of Problem - Based Learning in the Topic of Economic lssues in Local Community on Critical Thinking Ability of Grade 11 Students at Datdaruni School, Chachoengsao ProvincePUNNADA PANTASEE; ปุณณฎา พันธสี; Darunee Jumpathong; ดรุณี จำปาทอง; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Darunee Jumpathong; ดรุณี จำปาทอง; [email protected]; [email protected]
11/10/2024The Effects of the Project Based Teaching Method in the Topic of Environmental Crisis in North America and South America on Learning Achievement and Problem-Solving Thinking Ability of Grade 9 Students at Sriyapai School in Chumphon ProvinceNAPADA CHANNAKORN; นภาดา ชาญนคร; Darunee Jumpathong; ดรุณี จำปาทอง; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Darunee Jumpathong; ดรุณี จำปาทอง; [email protected]; [email protected]
7/4/2024The Effects of Geographic Inquiry Process in the Topic of Disasters and Natural Resources and Environment Management in Europe and Africa on Geographic Skills of Grade 8 Students at Princess Chulabhorn Science High School, TrangWORAWIT JUNFAK; วรวิทย์ จันทร์ฝาก; Darunee Jumpathong; ดรุณี จำปาทอง; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Darunee Jumpathong; ดรุณี จำปาทอง; [email protected]; [email protected]