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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
15/1/2025The Effects of 5Es Inquiry Instruction Together with Modeling on Problem Solving Ability and Learning Retention in the Topic of Biomolecules of Grade 10 Students at Pranarai School in Lopburi ProvinceCHANITKARN MANKONG; ชนิศกาญจน์ มั่นคง; Duongdearn Suwanjinda; ดวงเดือน สุวรรณจินดา; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Duongdearn Suwanjinda; ดวงเดือน สุวรรณจินดา; [email protected]; [email protected]
1/11/2024The Effects of 7E Learning Cycle Model Together with the Questioning Technique in the Topic of Physical Properties of Materials on Science Learning Achievement and Applicative Thinking Ability of Grade 4 Students at Ban Khanoon School in Songkhla ProvinceYINGSAK CHANAPAN; ยิ่งศักดิ์ ชนะพาล; Duongdearn Suwanjinda; ดวงเดือน สุวรรณจินดา; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Duongdearn Suwanjinda; ดวงเดือน สุวรรณจินดา; [email protected]; [email protected]
15/1/2025The Effects of Project-based Learning Management in the Topic of Ecosystem on Scientific Problem Solving Ability and Scientific Attitude of Grade 9 Students at Trang Christian Suksa School in Trang ProvincePONGSATORN TREERATTANAPAIBOON; พงศธร ตรีรัตนไพบูลย์; Duongdearn Suwanjinda; ดวงเดือน สุวรรณจินดา; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Duongdearn Suwanjinda; ดวงเดือน สุวรรณจินดา; [email protected]; [email protected]
18/7/2024The Effects of Using Explicit-reflective Approach Instruction on Nature of Science Understanding and Science Process Skills of Grade 4 Students at Muangwapipathum School in Mahasarakham ProvincePRASERT PARATHANG; ประเสริฐ ปะระทัง; Duongdearn Suwanjinda; ดวงเดือน สุวรรณจินดา; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Duongdearn Suwanjinda; ดวงเดือน สุวรรณจินดา; [email protected]; [email protected]
19/9/2024The Effects of Using Model-Based Learning Management on Modelling Ability and Science Learning Achievement in the Topic of Flowering Plants of Grade 4 Students at Banthabthon School in Surat Thani ProvincePattarasuda Rittichai; ภัทรสุดา ฤทธิชัย; Duongdearn Suwanjinda; ดวงเดือน สุวรรณจินดา; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Duongdearn Suwanjinda; ดวงเดือน สุวรรณจินดา; [email protected]; [email protected]
1/11/2024The Effects of Using STAD Cooperative Learning Technique in the Topic of Ecosystem and Biodiversity on Learning Achievement and Attitudes Toward Science of Grade 9 Students in Sasikarnwittaya School in Udon Thani ProvinceAPHINYA PHIMPHASAENG; อภิญญา พิมพาแสง; Duongdearn Suwanjinda; ดวงเดือน สุวรรณจินดา; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Duongdearn Suwanjinda; ดวงเดือน สุวรรณจินดา; [email protected]; [email protected]
15/1/2025The Effects of using the Inquiry-Based Learning Management Together with STAD on Science Learning Achievement on the Topic of Systems of Human and Analytical Thinking Ability of Grade 8 Students at Pranarai School in Lobburi ProvincePIYADA BUNPRADIT; ปิยะดา บุญประดิษฐ์; Duongdearn Suwanjinda; ดวงเดือน สุวรรณจินดา; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Duongdearn Suwanjinda; ดวงเดือน สุวรรณจินดา; [email protected]; [email protected]