Browsing by Author Sopana Sudsomboon

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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1/11/2024Administrative Factors Affecting the Information Technology Using in the Administration of Schools under the Pathum Thani Secondary Educational Service Area OfficePANUMAST BOUJEAN; ภานุมาศ บัวจีน; Sopana Sudsomboon; โสภนา สุดสมบูรณ์; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Sopana Sudsomboon; โสภนา สุดสมบูรณ์; [email protected]; [email protected]
1/11/2024Factors Affecting Happiness at Work of Teachers in Private Primary Schools, Nan ProvinceChitprapatsorn Tasrikaew; จิตประภัสสร ทะศรีแก้ว; Sopana Sudsomboon; โสภนา สุดสมบูรณ์; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Sopana Sudsomboon; โสภนา สุดสมบูรณ์; [email protected]; [email protected]
17/7/2024Participative Management Affecting Digital Organization of Schools under Samut Prakan Educational Service Area Office 2JARUNEE KULARB-AM; จารุณี กุหลาบอ่ำ; Sopana Sudsomboon; โสภนา สุดสมบูรณ์; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Sopana Sudsomboon; โสภนา สุดสมบูรณ์; [email protected]; [email protected]
1/11/2024Strategic Leadership of School Administrator Affecting the Quality of Education Provision in Private Primary Schools in Nan ProvinceANOTHAI TASRIKAEW; อโณทัย ทะศรีแก้ว; Sopana Sudsomboon; โสภนา สุดสมบูรณ์; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Sopana Sudsomboon; โสภนา สุดสมบูรณ์; [email protected]; [email protected]