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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
24/5/2024The Effect of Model-Based Learning Instruction in The Topic of Light on Scientific Modeling and Analytical Thinking Ability of Grade 9 Students in Phattharayan Wittaya School at Nakhon Pathom ProvincePLOYSIRI PUTTHARAKSA; พลอยศิริ พุทธรักษา; Nuanjid Chaowakeratipong; นวลจิตต์ เชาวกีรติพงศ์; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Nuanjid Chaowakeratipong; นวลจิตต์ เชาวกีรติพงศ์; [email protected]; [email protected]
24/5/2024The Effects of CIPPA Instruction Model Together with Teaching Strategies in the Topic of Changing States of Substances on Learning Achievement and Analytical Thinking Ability of Grade 5 Students at Klaeng Burapha Network School Group in Rayong ProvinceNOPPAWIT RAGPONG; นพวิทย์ รักพงษ์; Nuanjid Chaowakeratipong; นวลจิตต์ เชาวกีรติพงศ์; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Nuanjid Chaowakeratipong; นวลจิตต์ เชาวกีรติพงศ์; [email protected]; [email protected]
4/11/2024The Effects of Context-Based Learning Instruction on the Competence to Explain Phenomena Scientifically and Interpret Data and Evidence Scientifically of Grade 6 Students at PraIntra Network School Group in Sing Buri ProvinceSuphattra Aresura; สุภัทรา อาสุระ; Nuanjid Chaowakeratipong; นวลจิตต์ เชาวกีรติพงศ์; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Nuanjid Chaowakeratipong; นวลจิตต์ เชาวกีรติพงศ์; [email protected]; [email protected]
4/11/2024The Effects of Inquiry Instruction Together with Graphic Organizer and Cooperative Learning in the Topic of Force in Daily Life on Learning Achievement and Analytical Thinking Ability of Grade 3 Students at Singhanakhon Small School Group in Songkhla ProvinceHARUETHAIRUT WICHIEANTONG; หฤทัยรัตน์ วิเชียรทอง; Nuanjid Chaowakeratipong; นวลจิตต์ เชาวกีรติพงศ์; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Nuanjid Chaowakeratipong; นวลจิตต์ เชาวกีรติพงศ์; [email protected]; [email protected]
4/11/2024The Effects of Inquiry Learning Instruction Together with Predict-Observe-Explain Strategy on Learning Achievement and Scientific Explanation Ability of Grade 11 Students at Phadungpanya School in Tak ProvinceNEDSARY PRASERDPOL; เนตรทราย ประเสริฐผล; Nuanjid Chaowakeratipong; นวลจิตต์ เชาวกีรติพงศ์; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Nuanjid Chaowakeratipong; นวลจิตต์ เชาวกีรติพงศ์; [email protected]; [email protected]
24/5/2024The Effects of Model-based Learning Instruction in the Topic of Solution on Scientific Modeling Ability and Scientific Explanation Ability of Grade 8 Students in Triamudomsuksapattanakarn Phatthalung SchoolJIRAYUT KHUNAKSON; จิรยุทธ ขุนอักษร; Nuanjid Chaowakeratipong; นวลจิตต์ เชาวกีรติพงศ์; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Nuanjid Chaowakeratipong; นวลจิตต์ เชาวกีรติพงศ์; [email protected]; [email protected]
13/8/2024The Effects of the Inquiry Instruction Together with STEM Education in the Topic of Physical Properties of Materials on Learning Achievement and the Ability to Apply Scientific Knowledge of Grade 4 Students at Anuban Phangnga School in Phangnga ProvinceRUETINAN NARKKHAPHUN; ฤตินันท์ นาคพันธ์; Nuanjid Chaowakeratipong; นวลจิตต์ เชาวกีรติพงศ์; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Nuanjid Chaowakeratipong; นวลจิตต์ เชาวกีรติพงศ์; [email protected]; [email protected]
24/5/2024The Effects of the Model-based Learning Instruction in the Topic of Pure Substance on Learning Achievement and Scientific Modeling Ability of Grade 7 Students at Nakorn Khonkaen School in Khonkaen ProvinceSIRINTHA BUSSARAKUM; ศิรินทรา บุษราคัม; Nuanjid Chaowakeratipong; นวลจิตต์ เชาวกีรติพงศ์; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Nuanjid Chaowakeratipong; นวลจิตต์ เชาวกีรติพงศ์; [email protected]; [email protected]
22/3/2024The Effects of the Inquiry Instruction Together with Games in the Topic of Ecosystem on Learning Achievement and Analytical Thinking Ability of Grade 9 Students at Schools of Krut, Pa Ron, Klong Sa Network in  Surat Thani ProvinceLAKKANA SOMKAEW; ลักขณา ส้มแก้ว; Nuanjid Chaowakeratipong; นวลจิตต์ เชาวกีรติพงศ์; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Nuanjid Chaowakeratipong; นวลจิตต์ เชาวกีรติพงศ์; [email protected]; [email protected]