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Showing results 116 to 135 of 11552 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
24/1/2025Economic Factors Influencing the Stock Price Index of the Stock Exchange of ThailandNAPAT WONGMAWIWAT; ณภัทร วงค์มาวิวัฒน์; Chareunsak Sangchatsuwan; เจริญศักดิ์ แสงฉัตรสุวรรณ; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Chareunsak Sangchatsuwan; เจริญศักดิ์ แสงฉัตรสุวรรณ; [email protected]; [email protected]
26/12/2024Educational Administration Factors Affecting Digital Technology Competency of Teachers in Schools under Nakhon Si Thammarat Provincial Office of Learning EncouragementUSA WANRAKE; อุษา วันแรก; Koolchalee Chongcharoen; กุลชลี จงเจริญ; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Koolchalee Chongcharoen; กุลชลี จงเจริญ; [email protected]; [email protected]
19/11/2024Educational Investment on Higher Vocational Certificate Between Agriculture and Industry of Government Vocational Education Institutions in the Northeastern Region.PISAMAI CHANPECH; พิศมัย จันทร์เพ็ชร; Padcharee Phasuk; พัชรี ผาสุข; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Padcharee Phasuk; พัชรี ผาสุข; [email protected]; [email protected]
22/11/2024Effect of Banana Pseudostem Supplementation on Production Performance of Laying HensChakkrapan Nantapong; จักรพันธ์ นันทพงศ์; Monticha Putsakum; มณฑิชา พุทซาคำ; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Monticha Putsakum; มณฑิชา พุทซาคำ; [email protected]; [email protected]
2/8/2024Effect of Group Counseling to Enhance Depressive Potential of Students from Single-Parent Families at a University in Saraburi ProvincePRAPAPORN PHONBOON; ประภาพร ผลบูรณ์; Sukarun Wongtim; สุขอรุณ วงษ์ทิม; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Sukarun Wongtim; สุขอรุณ วงษ์ทิม; [email protected]; [email protected]
18/10/2024The Effect of Group Counseling with Art Therapy to Decrease Depression of Older People with Stroke in Bangkok MetropolisAPIRADEE YUENYONG; อภิรดี ยืนยง; Sukarun Wongtim; สุขอรุณ วงษ์ทิม; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Sukarun Wongtim; สุขอรุณ วงษ์ทิม; [email protected]; [email protected]
26/12/2024The Effect of Guidance Activities Package for Enchancing Work Happiness of Teachers and School Personnel Located on the Island in Phang Nga Primary Educational Service Area OfficeSUTTHIDA THONGKHAM; สุทธิดา ทองคำ; Wunlapa Sabaiying; วัลภา สบายยิ่ง; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Wunlapa Sabaiying; วัลภา สบายยิ่ง; [email protected]; [email protected]
23/5/2024The Effect of Inquiry-based Instruction with Mind Mapping in the Topic of Human Body on Science Learning Achievement and Competency in Problem Solving Thinking of Grade 8 Students at Thepsuwanchanwittaya School in Samut Songkhram ProvinceSIRIWAN SUBPRASERT; สิริวรรณ ทรัพย์ประเสริฐ; Tweesak Chindanurak; ทวีศักดิ์ จินดานุรักษ์; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Tweesak Chindanurak; ทวีศักดิ์ จินดานุรักษ์; [email protected]; [email protected]
26/12/2024Effect of Integrated Group Counseling to Enhance Spiritual Well-Being of the Elderly at a Nursing Home in Ratchaburi ProvinceANEKPONG RATTANAWICHIENCHOT; เอนกพงศ์ รัตนวิเชียรโชติ; Sukaroon Wongtim; สุขอรุณ วงษ์ทิม; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Sukaroon Wongtim; สุขอรุณ วงษ์ทิม; [email protected]; [email protected]
24/5/2024The Effect of Model-Based Learning Instruction in The Topic of Light on Scientific Modeling and Analytical Thinking Ability of Grade 9 Students in Phattharayan Wittaya School at Nakhon Pathom ProvincePLOYSIRI PUTTHARAKSA; พลอยศิริ พุทธรักษา; Nuanjid Chaowakeratipong; นวลจิตต์ เชาวกีรติพงศ์; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Nuanjid Chaowakeratipong; นวลจิตต์ เชาวกีรติพงศ์; [email protected]; [email protected]
25/11/2024The Effect of Using a Guidance Acitivities Outside the Classroom Package to Promote Social Skills of Children in an International in BangkokJANTANA SILVA; จันทนา ซิลวา; Wunlapa Sabaiying; วัลภา สบายยิ่ง; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Wunlapa Sabaiying; วัลภา สบายยิ่ง; [email protected]; [email protected]
14/11/2024The Effect of Using Computer-Assisted Lessons in the Topic of Conjugation of Verbs on Thai Conjugation of Verbs Reading Ability in the Thai Language Subject of Grade 1 Students at Wat Phra Prathon Chedi School in Nakhon Prathom ProvinceJUTATIP MONGKONRATTANASIT; จุฑาทิพย์ มงคลรัตนาสิทธิ์; Suwannee Yahakorn; สุวรรณี ยหะกร; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Suwannee Yahakorn; สุวรรณี ยหะกร; [email protected]; [email protected]
14/11/2024The Effect of Using Computer-Assisted Lessons in the Topic of Words Starting with Two Consonants on the Ability to Read Words Starting with Two Consonants of Grade 2 Students at Wat Bang Yai School in Suphan Buri ProvinceSutawee Wiwatkasikij; สุธาวี วิวัฒน์กสิกิจ; Suwannee Yahakorn; สุวรรณี ยหะกร; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Suwannee Yahakorn; สุวรรณี ยหะกร; [email protected]; [email protected]
1/10/2024The Effect of Using Cooperative Learning with CIRC Technique on Reading Comprehension Ability of Grade 9 Students in The Secondary Educational Service Area Office Chonburi RayongACHARA PINMUN; อัจฉรา ปิ่นมั่น; Sita Yiemkuntitavorn; ศิตา เยี่ยมขันติถาวร; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Sita Yiemkuntitavorn; ศิตา เยี่ยมขันติถาวร; [email protected]; [email protected]
14/11/2024The Effect of Using the Guidance Activities Package Based on Bandura Concept to Enhance  Public Mind of  Grades 4-6 Students at Ban Tha Chang School  in Nakhon Ratchasima ProvinceJEERAPRAPA YONPHIMAI; จีรประภา ยนต์พิมาย; Wunlapa Sabaiying; วัลภา สบายยิ่ง; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Wunlapa Sabaiying; วัลภา สบายยิ่ง; [email protected]; [email protected]
5/8/2024Effectiveness of a Motivation Enhancement Program on Smoking Cessation among the conscripts at Queen’Sripatcharin Military Base, Khon Kaen ProvinceWANIDA LAPCHOK; วนิดา ลาภโชค; Napaphen Jantacumma; นภาเพ็ญ จันทขัมมา; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Napaphen Jantacumma; นภาเพ็ญ จันทขัมมา; [email protected]; [email protected]
4/7/2024Effectiveness of a Program of Health Literacy Development for Patients with Hypertension at Risk of Cardiovascular Disease in Muang Trang District, Trang ProvinceSUCHINDA KONGNEUM; สุจินดา คงเนียม; Sutteeporn Moonsart; สุทธีพร มูลศาสตร์; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Sutteeporn Moonsart; สุทธีพร มูลศาสตร์; [email protected]; [email protected]
6/5/2024The Effectiveness of Capacities Building Program for Bangkok Health Volunteers for Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Prevention by using a BHV Online Application in Ratchathewi district, Bangkok Metropolitan AdministrationKusuma Siplang; กุสุมา ศรีปลั่ง; Sompoch Ratioran; สมโภช รติโอฬาร; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Sompoch Ratioran; สมโภช รติโอฬาร; [email protected]; [email protected]
21/1/2025The Effectiveness of the Decision-Making Enhancement Program for Breast Self-Examination among Lahu Women in Chiang Mai ProvincePORNPUN MANASATCHAKUN; พรพรรณ มนสัจจกุล; Sutteeporn Moonsart; สุทธีพร มูลศาสตร์; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Sutteeporn Moonsart; สุทธีพร มูลศาสตร์; [email protected]; [email protected]
22/1/2025The Effectiveness of the Implementation of the Skill Development Project for Informal Workers in Alignment with Individual Abilities for Employment at Mae Hong Son Skill Development OfficeINGKAPRACH NIYOMTHAI; อิงคปรัช นิยมไทย; Kittipong Keatwatcharachai; กิตติพงษ์ เกียรติวัชรชัย; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Kittipong Keatwatcharachai; กิตติพงษ์ เกียรติวัชรชัย; [email protected]; [email protected]