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Showing results 673 to 692 of 11552 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
21/11/2024Rational prescribing of flunarizine in elderly patients receiving treatment at a hospital in Ratchaburi ProvinceAkane Prapanpote; อาคเนย์ ประพันธ์พจน์; Kiraphol Kaladee; กิระพล กาละดี; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Kiraphol Kaladee; กิระพล กาละดี; [email protected]; [email protected]
10/4/2024Relating a trial system to increase efficiency in criminal trialsKANJANA CHINPAKDEE; กาญจนา ชินภักดี; Punnawit Tuppawimol; ปัณณวิช ทัพภวิมล; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Punnawit Tuppawimol; ปัณณวิช ทัพภวิมล; [email protected]; [email protected]
22/1/2025The Relationship Between Academic Leadership of School Administrators and Performance According to Professional Standard of Teachers in Schools under Samut Prakan Primary Educational Service Area Office 1AKAPRAPA SUKADJASAKUL; อคปภา สุขอัจจะสกุล; Annop Jeenawathana; อรรณพ จีนะวัฒน์; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Annop Jeenawathana; อรรณพ จีนะวัฒน์; [email protected]; [email protected]
17/7/2024Relationship between Complete Blood Count and HemoglobinA1c Level among Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients in Lamthap Hospital, Krabi ProvinceJANYAPORN TORTANA; จรรยาพร ต้อตานา; Sompoch Ratioran; สมโภช รติโอฬาร; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Sompoch Ratioran; สมโภช รติโอฬาร; [email protected]; [email protected]
29/11/2024The Relationship Between Creative Leadership of School Administrators and Being a Learning Organization in the Northern Bangkok Group Schools under Bangkok Metropolitan Administrationnupaporn soparat; นุพาภรณ์ โสภารัตน์; Chulalak Sorapan; จุฬาลักษณ์ โสระพันธ์; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Chulalak Sorapan; จุฬาลักษณ์ โสระพันธ์; [email protected]; [email protected]
30/10/2024The Relationship Between Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking and Problem-Solving Thinking in Relation to the Engineering Design Process of Lower Secondary Education Students at Wat Srinualthammawimol School in Bangkok MetropolisCHULEE SAMPADA; ชุลี สัมพดา; Tweesak Chindanurak; ทวีศักดิ์ จินดานุรักษ์; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Tweesak Chindanurak; ทวีศักดิ์ จินดานุรักษ์; [email protected]; [email protected]
22/1/2025The Relationship between Human Resource Development Activities and Work Competency: A Case Study of Academic Support Staff at Sukhothai Thammathirat Open UniversityWIJITAR MANAWET; วิจิตรา มานะเวช; Supunyada Suntornnond; สุปัญญดา สุนทรนนธ์; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Supunyada Suntornnond; สุปัญญดา สุนทรนนธ์; [email protected]; [email protected]
20/8/2024The Relationship Between Information Perception and Management Quality According to the Criteria of The Public Sector Management Quality Award at Chiang Mai Primary Educational Service Area Office 3KAWEESIN INTAKOTE; กวีศิลป์ อินต๊ะโคตร์; Kanjana Boonyoung; กาญจนา บุญยัง; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Kanjana Boonyoung; กาญจนา บุญยัง; [email protected]; [email protected]
25/4/2024The Relationship between Innovation Leadership of School Administrators and Digital Skills of Teachers Under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Loei Nong Bua Lam PhuMANEEAMARIN PHIRAPHITCHAYAKUN; มณีอมรินทร์ พีรพิชญกุล; choochat phuagsomjit; ชูชาติ พ่วงสมจิตร์; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; choochat phuagsomjit; ชูชาติ พ่วงสมจิตร์; [email protected]; [email protected]
14/1/2025The Relationship between Instructional Leadership of School Heads and Functional Competencies of Teachers in the Child Development Centers under Phetchabun Local Government OrganizationKEWALEE DEESO; เกวลี ดีโส; Koolchalee Chongcharoen; กุลชลี จงเจริญ; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Koolchalee Chongcharoen; กุลชลี จงเจริญ; [email protected]; [email protected]
21/1/2025The Relationship between Local Government and Local Administration in Public Service Provision: A Case Study of Samet Tai Subdistrict, Bang Khla District, ChachoengsaoNampeung Kamsa-Art; น้ำผึ้ง คำสอาด; Thanasak Saijampa; ธนศักดิ์ สายจำปา; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Thanasak Saijampa; ธนศักดิ์ สายจำปา; [email protected]; [email protected]
31/10/2024The Relationship Between Motivation Factors of the Academic Support Personnel and the Development Towards Strategic Organization of Sukhothai Thammathirat Open UniversityThongroi Panyang; ทองร้อย พันธ์ยาง; Noppon Akahat; นพพล อัคฮาด; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Noppon Akahat; นพพล อัคฮาด; [email protected]; [email protected]
3/10/2024The Relationship between Organizational Culture and Staff Satisfaction at Debaratana Vejjanukula Hospital Commemorating Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirinthorn’s 60th  Birthday AnniversarySIRIKAN POOLVIWATANA; ศิริกาญจน์ พูลวิวัฒนา; Kanjana Boonyoung; กาญจนา บุญยัง; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Kanjana Boonyoung; กาญจนา บุญยัง; [email protected]; [email protected]
27/12/2024The Relationship Between Performance Behaviors According to Professional Standards of School Administrators and Being a High–Performance Organization of Schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office NonthaburiTEERAPONG MEEPOKE; ธีรพงศ์ มีโภค; Annop Jeenawathana; อรรณพ จีนะวัฒน์; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Annop Jeenawathana; อรรณพ จีนะวัฒน์; [email protected]; [email protected]
24/12/2024The Relationship Between Public Participation Factors and the Effectiveness of Public Infrastructure Service Provision of the Dunsat Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Kranuan District, Khon Kaen ProvinceTepamorn Prayoonchan; เทพอมร ประยูรชาญ; Noppon Akahat; นพพล อัคฮาด; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Noppon Akahat; นพพล อัคฮาด; [email protected]; [email protected]
27/11/2024The Relationship between Self-Compassion, Family Relationship, Social Support and Psychological Well-being of Older People at Lam Luk Ka District in Pathum Thani ProvinceMANUSSANUNT TRAGULWONGKITTI; มนัสณันท์ ตระกูลวงศ์กิตติ; Sukaroon Wongtim; สุขอรุณ วงษ์ทิม; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Sukaroon Wongtim; สุขอรุณ วงษ์ทิม; [email protected]; [email protected]
24/9/2024Relationship Between the New Public Service Factors and the Effectiveness of Woman Empowerment Fund Policy Implementation: A Case Study of Mueang Mae Hong Son District, Mae Hong Son ProvinceNUTTAPAT AIEMKRASIN; ณัฐภัทร เอี่ยมกระสินธ์; Noppon Akahat; นพพล อัคฮาด; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Noppon Akahat; นพพล อัคฮาด; [email protected]; [email protected]
27/5/2024Relationship Between the Organizational Management Factors with the Digital Organizational Development of the Office of Chiang Mai Juvenile and Family CourtHIRAN PHOOLKATE; หิรัญ พูลเกตุ; Noppon Akahat; นพพล อัคฮาด; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Noppon Akahat; นพพล อัคฮาด; [email protected]; [email protected]
23/9/2024The Relationship Between The Stock Exchange of Thailand and Other Financial Assets, Before and During the Covid-19 CrisisCHAIYANON TA-AITUEK; ไชยยานนท์ ตาอ้ายเทือก; Pithak Srisuksai; พิทักษ์ ศรีสุขใส; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Pithak Srisuksai; พิทักษ์ ศรีสุขใส; [email protected]; [email protected]
1/5/2024Relationship between communication using digital technologies for with happiness of the elderly in subdistrict municipality Li Lamphun provinceCHONNAPAPAK JAMSAI; ชลณปภัค แจ่มใส; Wunlapa Sabaiying; วัลภา สบายยิ่ง; Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Wunlapa Sabaiying; วัลภา สบายยิ่ง; [email protected]; [email protected]